Friday, April 23, 2010

Rainy Tijuana Days

We just had another rainy Tijuana day, so I figured it was time to post a few photos of what that looks like down here. The driving in Mexico becomes a little more interesting after a good rain. Depending on where you are in the city, the roads can become like mini rivers. Here are a few shots coming down the road from the Castillo.

This group of rain photos came from a rainy day adventure that Stephanie and I took last year. We had been out visiting some friends and it began to rain pretty hard. It was a good thing we had the Sorensen's Jetta that day because the roads were full of water as we headed home. The Jetta is able to tackle just about anything :-)

The rain adds a few things to Tijuana life. One thing... Potholes! After a good rain, you have to be extra careful as you drive. New potholes have likely developed on the roads you were once familiar with and can easily catch you by surprise, or at least your poor car by surprise.
The rain also adds beauty to the city. The hills turn green and the city looks really beautiful this time of year. Here are a few shots from Eastern Tijuana.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Graduation Week

Last week we had a celebration! It was graduation week here at Baja Bible School. The first year has come to an end. Thank you all that have prayed, given, and walked with us (staff or students) in our very first year. Both staff and students learned a ton this year and the staff is looking forward to coming back and starting our second year of school in September. After some good rest this summer of course :-)

Here are a few shots from the last week... me and my dear girls, Leah and Katie, and of course a photo of the graduates. Congrats to our first group of graduates from Baja Bible School! We will miss you. Andrew we will miss you too!

Andrew and Chuy. Andrew has been with us the past two years as the Business Manager. He joined Chuy and family in working at the family business :-)

Leah, Katie and I enjoying a meal at the taco stand.

The graduates. The red sweatshirts became our version of the cap and gown. :-)

Leah and I

Katie and Leah... very dear to me!