Monday, April 27, 2009

Language Blunders

Ana Maria and I

Language Learning.  As you learn to make a new culture your home, picking up the language can be both humbling and comical.  In many ways, you are at the level of a young child learning to speak all over again.  I had one of those comical moments on Saturday morning.  Our neighbor Ana Maria stopped by and we were having a cup of coffee.  I was making some oatmeal at the same time and offered her some raisins as she wasn't in the mood for oatmeal.  This is where I ran into some trouble.  The word some is unas, so I said unas pasas.  That was okay, but then I continued on and said uñas secas.  I was trying to say dried grapes, but instead I offered our neighbor dried fingernails.  As I am learning Spanish, there are times that my brain wants to try using new words and then forgets the meaning of the words that I had previously known.  So here are the three words that I got mixed up, unas (some), uñas (fingernails), and uvas (grapes).  She just looked at me weird, Lyndsay started laughing at me, and then I realized my error.  So, there is my comical language blunder of the week, and a reminder that it takes time, patience, and  humility to be a language learner.  And a good sense of humor :-)